catalogue artists exhibitions/live david cunningham links current info sitemap
current info - see also Piano live
Go to Amazon for CD availability - catalogue is moving online
piano 502
ghost dance -michael giles, jamie muir, david cunningham
Ghost Dance DVD/video
A DVD release of Ken McMullen's film has now been released. - see Ghost Dance DVD
CD copies of Ghost Dance with the catalogue number CJFCD 026 are an illegal Russian clone and should be avoided. Same with the illegal Mediaservices download version- see BBC news
piano 200 (limited edition - sold out)
rude mechanic -pan sonic /hayley newman /david crawforth
how to deal with difficulties getting the CDs out of the package
piano 511
this is a sentence CDROM -stephen partridge and david cunningham
Please note - this CD-ROM will not work with Mac OS X
CDROM System requirements:
If you get stuck and can't figure out where to click next on this CDROM have a look at:
Apple Macintosh: PowerMac 7100 with 32 megabytes ram, OS 7.5 - OS 9
PC: Pentium 160 with 32 megabytes ram, Windows 95 or later
A click-thru guide to the CDROM
piano 510
water -david cunningham
Still unavailable - production problems continue to delay this re-release.
about the piano label
piano catalogue