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piano 511

CD-ROM draft cover This is a Sentence CD-ROM - Stephen Partridge and David Cunningham

Click thru  guide        Underlined characters indicate progression

is this a sentence.

this  takes you to “this moment”

a   takes you to “soundtapes”

.    takes you forward to next screen

is this a sentence?

?   takes you forward to next screen

Is this a sentence?

Is   takes you forward to next screen

Is this a sentence?

Is  takes you forward to next screen

Is this a sentence

Is   takes you forward to next screen

These words constitute this sentence

words  takes you forward to next screen

con   takes you to “this moment” movie

this   takes you to this sentence sequence on background of clouds

These letters constitute these words

letters   takes you forward to next screen

You have to get close to see this.

close   takes you forward to next screen keep clicking the “o”  in close for the next few screens and you will get to “this sentence is cold”

.   takes you to same sentence with pink full stop, if this pink full stop is clicked it will play video “sentence no 1” and then to “this sentence is cold” which is a quick way to some of the final sentences

This sentence is cold

cold  takes you forward to next screen

This sentence is obscure

obscure  takes you forward to next screen

This sentence has no meaning

no   takes you forward to next screen and a dead end

meaning   takes you to “soundtapes”

This sentence has no beginning

no   takes you forward to next screen and a dead end

beginning   takes you back to the start

sentence   is the best way forward

This sentence isn’t here

isn’t here   takes you forward to next screen which is completely blank, click anywhere and you will go forward to “this sentence is moving” which moves across the screen.
Again click in the centre of the screen and you go forward again

You have to get close to hear this

hear    takes you forward to next screen which is red letters click hear again

Is there a sentence here

click any word to get to next screen

Is there a sentence here?

?    takes you forward to next screen

Was there a sentence there?

there    takes you forward to next screen


SENTENCE   takes you forward to next screen

This sentence is easy

easy   takes you forward to next screen

CD-ROM draft cover This is a Sentence