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CD-ROM draft cover This is a Sentence CD-ROM - Stephen Partridge and David Cunningham

'This is a Sentence' a CD-ROM collaboration by Stephen Partridge and David Cunningham
(PC & Mac OS 9 only - see below for system info)

Image from Sentences No1

A game of image, representation and reference: is what you hear what you hear; is what you see also what you hear; is what you see what you see?  This CDROM contains a game with language, sound and text-related fragments with the statement "this is a sentence" at its centre.

A CD-ROM collaboration by Stephen Partridge and David Cunningham

with the voices of:
Bruce McLean
Hayley Newman
Gera Urkom

with Julie Miller, The Sounds of these Words
a Fields and Frames Production for Channel 4 Television ©1990

Jude Allen and Ian Bennett - voices, Dialogue for Two Players
an Annalogue production for Channel 4 Television ©1984

texts by A.L Rees, Alan Woods and David Cunningham

music by David Cunningham with
Peter Gordon - saxophone, Sentences 1&2

dedicated to Alan Woods 1956 - 2000

CDROM minimum system requirements:
Apple Macintosh: PowerMac 7100 with 32 megabytes ram, OS 7.5 - OS 9 - will not work with Mac OS X
PC: Pentium 160 with 32 megabytes ram, Windows 95 or later

click here for:
A click-thru guide to the CDROM
Stephen Partridge home page link
Stephen Partridge -notes on the collaboration
A.L. Rees  -notes on the collaboration
David Cunningham -notes on the collaboration
Film and Video Umbrella link
notes on production

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