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CD cover image piano 510
water - david cunningham

track by track breakdown

1  Stars  5.17
A reworking of existing material, loops made from elements of the multitrack master of the track 'Glide/Spin' on The Flying Lizards' album 'Fourth Wall'.  Originally made for '5 Closedowns', a series of television pieces I made in 1983.  The images are all of reflections on slow moving water in bright sunlight.

2  The Next Day  2.23
See track 15 'The Same Day' - a variation based on similar source material made, naturally enough, the next day.

 3  Once Removed  1.54
A more minimal version of the technique used on track 1 'Stars', the source is one guitar multiplied about 10 times at 4 different pitches.

4  The Fourth Sea  2.20
Made for Ashley Bruce's Fragile Earth documentary on the pollution in the Mediterranean Sea.  'The Fifth Sea', recorded the same day, became 'The Mirage' on the greaves, cunningham CD (piano 506).

5  White Blue and Grey  4.58
A rework of an unused film soundtrack with the main elements, drums, bass, saxophone solo, etc removed.

6  Shade Creek  2.33
The first of a series of multiple guitar pieces made in 1986 in which my main concern was to usefully employ the failures and idiosyncracies of my ability on the instrument.

7  Short Winter's Day  4.05
For Chris Rodley's documentary on the collaboration between William Burroughs and David Cronenberg 'Naked Making Lunch' (1992).

8  Blue River 3.59
A reworking of material used in the Mediterranean documentary (see track 4).  This forms the second in an occasional series built around phasing repeating phrases; the first is 'One Summer' on the greaves, cunningham CD (piano 506).

9 Beneath The Vines 2.56
The fourth 1986 guitar piece, see track 6, 'Shade Creek'.

10 Yellow River 6.04
Again made for '5 Closedowns', for this sequence the water reflected a yellow so saturated that at the time of broadcast (1984) the nature of analogue television caused the image to appear slightly differently on every television set.

11 Low Sun 2.27
Made for Chris Rodley's documentary (see track 7 'Short Winter's Day'), a slowed down remix of fragments of a song never mixed or otherwise used.

12 Only Shadows 3.20
Made for a restaurant scene in a work for television by Robert LePage (1986).  Reworked from an earlier track (as is track 5, 'White Blue and Grey') using the elements left out of that version.

13 A Liquid Hand 2.51
See track 3, 'Once Removed', a similar structure applied to different source material.

14 Dark Ocean 2.07
Derived from a series of delay loops, others from this series provided some of the music for Ken McMullen's film 'Zina' (1985).

15 The Same Day 7.01
Made for a gallery installation by Deborah King within a 24 hour deadline, the theory being that it took less time to make a new piece than to search through old tapes for something suitable.  On that particular day Grenville Davey was welding next door and his power drain affected the speed of my analogue tape recorders, creating a subtlety of tuning that would be impossible with digital machines.

David Cunningham 1992

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water -david cunningham

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© 1992 david cunningham