activated space
 origins  david cunningham
Kanazawa - system settings:

graphic equalizers
- not in use
- bypass

Noise Gate:
(gates switched to duck setting)
ch 1

filter 250Hz, 20KHz
threshold -20
attack max
hold max
decay max
range -80dB

ch 2

filter 100Hz, 10KHz
threshold -30
attack max
hold 1.25 sec
decay 3.5 sec
range -80dB


(knobs as clock position)
ch 7 mic input
high 9.00
freq 11.00
para 9.00
low 10.30
aux 1 4.00 (pre fade)
routing - none
fader 0dB (not in use)

ch 8 mic input

high 12.00
mid 9.45
para 12.00
low 11.00
aux 2 max (pre fade)
routing - none
fader 0dB (not in use)

ch 15 line input
high 10.00
mid 11.00
para 9.30
low 10.00
aux 3 12.00 (pre fade)
routing - group 1 only
fader -4.5

ch 16 line input
high 12.00
mid 11.00
para 9.45
low 10.00
aux off
routing - group 2 only
fader -7

ch 17 line input
high 10.00
mid 10.00
para 9.30
low 10.45
aux 4 12.00 (pre fade)
routing - group 3 only
fader -6

ch 18 line input
80KHz filter on
high 12.00
mid 8.30
para 10.45
low 11.00
aux off
routing - group 4 only
fader -9

sends 1-4 0dB
groups 1-4 0dB

Speaker positions are marked with black tape below the stools.

Switching off and on.
The system is more active on startup from cold.  Let it settle, maybe for half an hour.  Don't worry about overloads, the noise gate will keep things under control.

Switch on noise gate, then mixer and amps.

Equipment to be returned to Tokyo - 18 October:

Drawmer noise gate, mains cable and 2 XLR cables
Audio Technica PRO 43 microphone and XLR convertor
Audio Technica PRO 42 microphone
4 loudspeakers