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  The Flying Lizards - discography

Summertime Blues cover image by Rick Rayner Canham

Summertime Blues -Virgin VS230, 1978
Money -Virgin VS276, 1979
TV-Virgin VS325, 1979
The Laughing Policeman (under the pseudonym 'The Suspicions') -Arista 361, 1980
Move On Up -Virgin VS381, 1981
Hands 2 Take -virgin VS392, 1981
Lovers and Other Strangers -Virgin VS421, 1981
Sex Machine -Statik tak19, 1984
Dizzy Miss Lizzie -Statik tak25, 1984

The Flying Lizards -Virgin V2150, 1980 (CD re-release MW 062 Micro Werks USA, RPM Retro D 883 UK)
Fourth Wall -Virgin V2190, 1981 (CD re-release VJCP 17502 Toshiba-EMI
, RPM Retro D 883 UK)
Top Ten -Statik LP20, 1984
The Secret Dub Life of The Flying Lizards -piano 501, 1996

much more information on all this on:
the flying lizards 'unofficial' website

piano catalogue
The Secret Dub Life of The Flying Lizards

thank you Michael